System layout

The first system templates I created are for keyboard. The cleffs and braces are included in the groups. Both staves use the same coordinate system (top line is y=0). Unlike a single staff page, a system is a group in itself with each staff being a group within the system. This makes a more complex template, but the parts are well marked. Keep them intact so navigating the file is easier. Below is a skeleton of a two staff system.

      <g id="body" transform="translate(180,690) scale(1)">
       <g><desc> system 1-1 </desc><!-- indent 216 -->system 1 of page 1
        <use xlink:href="#sys2-1"/>
        <g><desc> ........................... staff 1-1 </desc>staff 1 of system 1
         <g transform="translate(336,0)"><desc> msr 1-1 </desc>measure 1 of staff 1
          <!-- ................................. beat 1 -->
          <!-- ................................. beat 2 -->
         <g transform="translate(1281,0)"><desc> msr 2-1 </desc>
          <use xlink:href="#sysbar"/>
          <!-- ................................. beat 1 -->
          <!-- ................................. beat 2 -->
        </g><!-- end of staff -->
        <g transform="translate(0,240)">
        <desc> .............................. staff 2-1 </desc>staff 2 of system 1
         <g transform="translate(348,0)"><desc> msr 1-2 </desc>measure 1 of staff 2; system 1
          <!-- ................................. beat 1 -->
          <!-- ................................. beat 2 -->
         <g transform="translate(906,0)"><desc> msr 2-2 </desc>
          <!-- ................................. beat 1 -->
          <!-- ................................. beat 2 -->
        </g><!-- end of staff -->
        <use x="2184" y="0" xlink:href="#sysbar"/>
       </g><!-- end of system -->
      </g><!-- end of body -->
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